I have finished my Degree now! Come 20th July I will be a BA Hons Contemporary Photographic Practice Graduate... how crazy.
The past few months have been intense. I feel my life became the art I was creating, and my work in essence was my life. It was the act. I found myself exploring themes of escapism, restriction, freedom, transcendence, physicality, spirituality, releases, transformation and breaking my personal boundaries. My project became so much a part of my life that it became a living breathing entity in itself, the act of experimentation, learning, finding and exploring. The project became my life and I was really living inside it.
You’ll notice I’m writing in past tense, but that doesn’t mean the project is over. It’s far from over, but I’ve come to the end of the first part of the journey. My whole life I’ve had these odd habits, eccentricities perhaps... simply things that make me who I am. I haven’t so much discovered things about myself this year as much as things clicked in my mind, and I feel like I can understand myself on a different level, thanks to my project. Really the project wasn’t even photography anymore... it was something else entirely. I started an odd kind of relationship in the middle of my project; one I felt complimented my journey. One that made me question myself, others around me and made me feel free and open to explore things in a way I hadn’t before. We became Art. That is over now but I still consider it a part of the journey I had to go through this year. My friends in recent months have also been a part of my venture... how much I’m going to miss wondering off to Chatham Park at 2am and staying there till gone 5am I can’t even describe! They are such amazing wonderful people... and are the only reason I’ll ever miss Chatham! Having nocturnal friends like me rocks my socks. ♥
I will of course still be updating this blog. I’m carrying on my adventure into my extremes (as well as other projects) and will keep updating here with thoughts and musings and photographs, so look forward to more weird ramblings ;)
I’ll leave you today with another extreme I adore... live music.
I love it when the beat drums inside me, vibrates through my veins. I’m crushed, I can’t breathe, can hardly move, hair soaked in sweat... but I couldn’t care less... I adore it. The music gets inside me... there is nothing else in that moment apart from the music surging through my entire body and making everything seem so much more alive. The atmosphere has energy and every single person there feels the music like a real force within them. Everyone in that moment is free.
So here’s a photograph I took while seeing Bon Jovi the other night! Sadly it was a seated gig, which I never love in quite the same way. I loved that the gig atmosphere was still apparent in the crowd though, even miles away from the stage.