Passion. Creativity. Photography. Music. Fire. Blood. Dreams. Life.

A Photographic Blog by Aimée Claire.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

An Introduction!

I’m Aimée.

I’m 21 and I’m currently in the final year of my degree, BA Hons Contemporary Photographic Practice. After I graduate I’m going on to study a Psychology Diploma in London!

I’ve had an online friends-only journal (a livejournal) since I was 16, but decided to take a leap into the world of photography blogs on here, so hellooo!

I want to use this as a space to talk about my current work and any future projects, as well as musings on life and the world. I want to fill it with ideas and inspirations, a place I can visit whenever I feel creative.

Currently I’m procrastinating from writing my dissertation! My recent work is about the fetish of wounding and sexual violence. My dissertation is analysing films using psychological theories, while my photographic work is much more personal... exploring the ways in which I thrive off ‘extremes’ in my personal life as well as my creative work. You’ll see what I mean when I’m finished :) it’s slightly hard to explain... but I’m hoping by exploring my personal boundaries and extremes to be able to give others a glance of a world they may not have understood before. All will become clear in time! It will all be a test and it will ‘pierce’ some and not others. Well, that’s the hope anyway!

I decided in my first year what I’d be writing my dissertation on, as it’s something I’ve always been fascinated by. I have some odd interests and tend to be fascinated by the weird and wonderful. I’m very open minded and my two biggest passions in life are photography and psychology. Music is my third, it’s just a shame I have no musical talent at all! Though yes, I do dance around my room singing quite often. You will rarely find me without music on! Things that inspire me tend to come from my life, my relationships with people and the world itself. I’ve studied Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy in the past and these still have quite a big impact on my life. I asked for my first real camera when I was 14 and loved it from the word go, and I find it’s the best way to get the creativity out of my veins and onto something that can show my world to others.

Besides the arty farty stuff... I’m a bit of a geek, obsessed with Catwoman, serial killers, documentaries and the gadget show <3 and I love anyone with a truly bizarre sense of humour. I have an obsession with the colour ‘gun metal’ and I aspire to one day buy a Yellow Lotus Elise that I will share with my mum! Hells yeah. My dream jobs include being a criminal profiler for MI5, a psychiatrist, being a jazz singer on the side, and owning my own lingerie shop with a gig/art space and bar underneath. I can also be kinda hyper sometimes, and I tend to switch between moods of either being quite inside my own head or running around the house screaming about Pikachu, as you do.

Pleased to meet you :)

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