Passion. Creativity. Photography. Music. Fire. Blood. Dreams. Life.

A Photographic Blog by Aimée Claire.

Monday, 6 December 2010

The run up to Christmas...

This isn't photography related but I'm happy!

♥ Two more full uni days left till the Christmas break!

♥ Possible TKU night, if not, London for a friend's birthday!

♥ One of my best friends 22nd birthday house party in Chatham!

♥ Seeing a rather special boy in my life, staying a couple of nights and he's taking me to a German Christmas Market which I adore... SO EXCITED!

♥ Pub night back home to see my lovely home lovelies and JO-FACE!

♥ Christmas!!!

Hells yeah. Happy!


  1. I am quite special aren't I. Special in the head. Just the way you like them! :D

  2. If you weren't special in the head I simply wouldn't like ye so much <3 hehehehe.
