Passion. Creativity. Photography. Music. Fire. Blood. Dreams. Life.

A Photographic Blog by Aimée Claire.

Thursday, 7 July 2011


Ooooh it’s nearing 2am and I am ecstatically happy for reasons I am not going to go into but all my friends seem to have gone to bed so I’m just going to ramble here!

Things and stuff! :D


Sometimes I fear I am going slightly mad but hey. Today I finished and submitted my second attempt at getting my dissertation proposal through the ethics committee at my university... they really dislike my area of research haha. I ended the first part of the summary of why I want to do the research quite well though, I thought...
Sullivan (2003) suggests we might think of S&M roles as ‘not an expression of one’s inner self, but rather as 'luid, non-essential, freely chosen, subject positions’ and this is a large focus of the research I wish to conduct, looking closely at how the identities of those who participate in S&M fit in with their social and political ideals and lives. Ritchie (2005) found her participants showed much consideration of ‘how power and gendered dynamics may play out, or be subverted, in their sexual practices’. Rubin suggests ‘It is time to recognize the political dimensions of erotic life’ and this is what I wish to be the focus of my research.

Yeah :D

I have not been to a gig in foreveeeeeeeeeeeeer and this thought occurred to me earlier when talking to a friend who is going to a Bright Eyes gig this weekend. Oh and when one of my favourite musicians retweeted a tweet of mine about how awful Arctic Monkeys are (SRSLY GUYS THEY ARE AWFUL) and I remembered having this debate the first year I went to Reading where I met an ex of mine who loved the Arctic Monkeys. Pffft! It then occurred to me how much I miss that energy and atmosphere of gigs so much...! 


  1. You should have said you wanted to do a dissertation on M&S, then when you handed it in on S&M blame it on your dyslexia!

  2. Excellent point anonymous personage!
