Passion. Creativity. Photography. Music. Fire. Blood. Dreams. Life.

A Photographic Blog by Aimée Claire.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Music is the lamb that made a lion out of me...

This post is surely going to come across as insane to some people...

I’ve been listening to this video tape of music I taped off the music channels when I was 12/13...

And InMe – firefly came on!

Now I’m a little embarrassed of liking this song now (even though that guilty pleasure part of me must admit I still actually love the damn song) but it reminded me oddly of how much music means to me. I remember I used to listen to this song on repeat about five times before I walked to school, because I felt that people there couldn’t hurt me if I had a song stuck in my head, because I was in my own music bubble which protected me. The people at school who bullied me and teased me couldn’t hurt me because I was inside my own music bubble. Anyone who says music can’t change the world is wrong.


  1. This has got nothing on my nostalgia post from today.

  2. Richardfacey, this is not a competition no matter how much youuuu think it is =p x

  3. I remember doing the same thing with LimpBizkit's "Head for the Barricade". Used to get me pumped and ready for whatever anyone had to throw at me on the given day. As long as I had that tune in my head, I was a badass! xD

    People tend to underestimate the power of music... It has forged cultures and societies, feeling and even action, all throughout human history and it continues to do so today!
