Passion. Creativity. Photography. Music. Fire. Blood. Dreams. Life.

A Photographic Blog by Aimée Claire.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Obsessions... beauty, horror, anatomy, metal, car crashes, guns and JJ72!

I just stumbled upon a very interesting blog!

It’s all about, in the writers own words “An academic view of how fashion intersects politics, economics, gender, race, & pop culture” which is something I’ve always been interested in (and will debate with people when they say that fashion is meaningless) and indeed I wrote a paper on fashion and identity in my second year, as it’s something that’s always been fascinating to me.(I think fascinating is my favourite word, I use it far too much!)

I stumbled upon this blog because of one very interesting entry... Here...
which I adore as it accumulates everything which I have an obsession for! Anatomy, fashion, metal armor, Helmut Newton and Lady Gaga! I’ve always had an obsession with the anatomical, which always somewhat puzzled me... I’d love to be as something as noble as a Doctor and I find it all very interesting, but I lack a logical or scientific mind yet I have a fair few books now on biology and the human body! I have no idea where this attraction comes from (I suppose it’s like my obsession with low flying planes... why they interest me so much, I have no idea, but I scream like a teenager whenever I see a low flying plane!) but I suppose it’s something to do with what the writer in this blog suggests. The structure of the human body is incredibly captivating... I wrote in my dissertation how “Most, whether religious/spiritual or with no religious beliefs at all, believe the skin to be important - pain is one of the fundamental human sensations, and for the skin that houses our ‘souls’ – In the Cartesian philosophy of mind-body dualism – or, biologically, the skin protects the body interior. For this to be damaged is something to be feared or amazed by” and I believe this is where my very fascination comes from. Maybe I am just one of those people always in awe and wonderment about the world and life and people... the beauty and the horrors of all.... who wouldn’t find that intriguing?

To be a bit silly and to reference Peep Show here.. “Anything that can kill a man is fascinating” and I think this is where my many more morbid obsessions come from (Serial killers, car crashes, weaponry (guns!) biology)!

As most of the things I would have put references to you can now read in the entry I just referenced, I’ll leave you with another (not quite so weird) obsession of mine... the band that was JJ72. I was head over heels (still am) in love with this band from the age of thirteen... oddly enough they disbanded when I was eighteen so they are very much my teen year’s band. I have never loved a band as intensely as I loved their music... I can’t even describe it... (But my friends who knew me then can vouch for my utter fan girl fixation) but I was thinking about it and maybe it all ties in because a lot of the singers (Mark Greaney) imagery is quite primal and philosophical.

I’ll leave you with this video... (Which I love as I remember watching it on TOTP!)

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