Passion. Creativity. Photography. Music. Fire. Blood. Dreams. Life.

A Photographic Blog by Aimée Claire.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Sex Positive Shenanigans!

It’s exciting times my lovely readers!

I’ve been helping the SlutWalk crew more than before, and have fully joined the team which has evolved since SlutWalk has been over and launched into Slut Means Speak Up!

I’ve also wonderfully been asked to work and be part of a new project, a sex positive E-Zine that will be launched in the next few weeks!

"Pull The Other One is a sex-positive E-Zine and internet TV channel in development. We will promote, inform, discuss and have fun with all aspects of human desire - LGBTQ, straight, asexual, differently-abled, elder...anyone we've missed?"

I cannot tell you lovely people how excited I am to be involved in a project like this! If you know me at all, you’ll know I am all for sex positivity... I’m sure it comes across in my photography and pretty much everything I say hehe. The website will be an awesome place, we’re looking for writers, documentary makers, filmmakers, artists, photographers, agony aunts/uncles, doctors, teachers, pontificators - anyone with something smart and original to express or with an aching desire to join in! We hope for it to be a beautiful place on the world wide interwebs which will promote all kinds of sex positivity and give people a space to discuss and learn new things!

The soft launch isn’t far off and if you’re interested in being involved in the testing of this and giving us very vital feedback please do get in touch! 

The last few days I’ve been travelling around Essex and then what felt like a whole big chunk of West London with some of the SlutWalk crew! We had sex positive planning meetings, ate cake for breakfast, filmed for a documentary that may be made on young activists and went to a cabaret, crazy stuff!
I shall leave you all with a beautiful photograph of my future husband *ahem* John Cusack in the first photo released of The Raven in which he plays Edgar Allan Poe! Mmmmmmmmm.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Your Mouth.

I ache for your skin. Lips pressing, the pressure so hard my lips are sore. Probably bruised. Your hands playing with my hair, twirling it with your fingers delicately, suddenly clenching a fist full of my hair and pulling back hard, kissing my neck as my back arches and you pull harder.  Agony as I face the ceiling. The motion of our flesh, sweat making our eyes seem more alive than ever. The flavour of your sweet sweat as I taste your body. I dig my nails in, making tiny pathways of blood; your body connecting to mine... you’re mine now. Kissing evolves into licking into biting into a madness of half a power struggle, your fingers lock with mine and you grab my knuckles as if you’re about to die. Pure electric energy flows between our bodies, I want the taste of your cum flowing over my tongue. I whisper into your ear that I want to share everything with you. I want the pain and the juice and ecstasy. You’re the master, I’m the master. I can make you cum whenever I want but I wait till the time is perfect. The whites of your eyes look purer in those moments just before, the rhythm of us growing... harder till the perfect time my love. I feel you pulsate inside me. I wait but you fight me, grab my hips with both hands and beg. You’re not ready yet. I start whispering to you all the ways I want to explore your body, all the ways I want to fill your life with these things that go through my mind... I lick your tongue then bite your bottom lip while we fulfil passion together. 

Friday, 17 June 2011

A note to all the survivors of sexual assault.

I hated school, and I didn’t have many friends in my early school years. The corridors and stair cases in-between lesson times would get really crowded and congested, so it took a while to get from class to class.

One day I was trying to get up one set of stairs to a class when two boys below me started to touch me, quite badly, a bit worse than just groping, from behind me on the steps below. I froze. I was either twelve or thirteen, and in the ugliest uniform you could imagine (brown and yellow, hideous, long pleated skirt and frumpy jumper). I knew where they were touching was sexual, but nothing, even in the slightest, felt sexual about what they were doing. It felt humiliating, a huge joke to them, something to help them mock me – and I couldn’t understand why. I still have no idea who the boys were as I never looked back.

It’s one of the smallest occurrences in my life (hell I’ve been followed, stalked, harassed etc quite a few times since!) yet this one always stuck out most in my memory – maybe because I was so young, maybe because of the circumstances, maybe because I couldn’t understand it at the time. Maybe because I couldn't get away because I was on a crowded staircase. I never told anyone this tiny story till very recently, because it made me uncomfortable to have to explain it. I had no social script to understand it by, and it was only once debating on the SlutWalk walls that I talked about it.

When I think of how humiliating I found this experience, which is so insignificant, I now think of all the rape survivors. How much courage and bravery it must take to speak out if you’ve been sexually assaulted. How much it must stick with you, change your everyday life – and how amazing I think the people are that have been through the experience of sexual assault, whether they have spoken up about it or not – the very fact they have been through it and have to deal with it every day makes them amazing and so strong to me. 

So for all you brave people who are dealing with these things every day of your life, for the ones that have spoken out, and for the ones that haven’t, you are all amazing. I really hope SlutWalk and causes of the same kind are helping you cope with life and realise that you are never to blame and that life really can be wonderful, despite any difficulties you may face. 

Thursday, 16 June 2011


"I thought the women’s liberation movement wanted to draw attention away from women’s bodies, to their minds and their ambitions. Isn’t that the reason modern feminists have spent so many years undermining femininity, courtship and even marriage?" - A sexist article on Slutwalk, hurrah!

Yes, HOW DARE the wimminz show that they even have a body and a sexuality?! Gaw don't they know that to be respected you have to ignore the very existance of your own flesh?! You cannot have ambitions and be sexy, what were you thinking?! Noes, you has to be just like teh menz and have no female qualities what-so-ever to be respected or to work! It's cool, we'll carry on ignoring the double standard of it all - but the wimminz - No. No. No. MOTHER OR WHORE. SEXY OR RESPECTABLE. Pick one, stick with it, and never cross them over - if you do it undermines EVERYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE.

*facepalm*  oh, and while we're at it, dontcha know that all feminists are the same person?!?1111

Monday, 13 June 2011

11th June - The Day of SlutWalk!

SlutWalk London was... a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
The day itself was sunny and pretty, the perfect day for such a show of solidarity and beauty. The atmosphere at the march was amazing, many chants going on, people of all different kinds, in all different clothes, showing up to help fight against victim blaming, slut shaming and against the perpetuation of rape myths! The reports are all slightly varied, but it would seem that a number between 4,000 and 5,000 turned up! The speeches were so inspiring and varied and all made a feeling of change kind of thump through my bones.

Near the end of all the speeches they had a thank you list for the people that had debated, my name was first on the list and as my friend Jo could tell you – I literally squealed with excitement and joy when my name was said from the main stage! I’m so happy to have helped with the movement in any small way.

I went to the after drinks for organisers and stewards that evening and talked to some very interesting people which was lovely. We were in this lovely dark Jazz bar in central London, the kind of place that would have perfectly suited being incredibly smokey before the smoking ban!

All through my experience with helping with SlutWalk, I’ve encountered many different kinds of people with many different ideas, and it’s been a really lovely time for my brain, haha. I’ve loved every part of it, the debates (even the ones that have made me want to bang my head against a wall), the people, the cause, the solidarity, the discussions surrounding sexuality... the feeling of change.

This isn't the end of the line for SlutWalk London of course! The campaign is evolving into Slut Means Speak up, if you want to get involved, keep an eye on the website...

Here's a wonderful clip to show you the atmosphere of the march...!

And a few of the articles that have been written about the day...

Slutwalk London: 'Yes means yes and no means no'!