Passion. Creativity. Photography. Music. Fire. Blood. Dreams. Life.

A Photographic Blog by Aimée Claire.

Thursday, 16 June 2011


"I thought the women’s liberation movement wanted to draw attention away from women’s bodies, to their minds and their ambitions. Isn’t that the reason modern feminists have spent so many years undermining femininity, courtship and even marriage?" - A sexist article on Slutwalk, hurrah!

Yes, HOW DARE the wimminz show that they even have a body and a sexuality?! Gaw don't they know that to be respected you have to ignore the very existance of your own flesh?! You cannot have ambitions and be sexy, what were you thinking?! Noes, you has to be just like teh menz and have no female qualities what-so-ever to be respected or to work! It's cool, we'll carry on ignoring the double standard of it all - but the wimminz - No. No. No. MOTHER OR WHORE. SEXY OR RESPECTABLE. Pick one, stick with it, and never cross them over - if you do it undermines EVERYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE.

*facepalm*  oh, and while we're at it, dontcha know that all feminists are the same person?!?1111

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