I’ve always loved the human form and admired its beauty and function since as far back as I can remember. I used to want to be a dancer when I was younger (until I realised I was too curvy really and completely lacked any competitive gene it seems) and I still watch a lot of dance and am in awe of the way they us their bodies as expression and art. I find myself using my own body more and more in my art because I feel it’s sometimes the only way to truly express some things, and I feel like my skin is my personal canvas to mould and use within my art, as an extension of the ideas within my work. I’ve always found I’m *very* nervous showing the work I make that uses my own body though, so I’m trying to break down my boundaries and feel less inhibited about this because I believe the human body is a beautiful and natural thing that shouldn’t be hidden in shame, or seen as taboo, even though I’m sure it always will be. I use it to help express myself.
I’m trying to push myself to use my body as my art and feel less nervous about how people will view it. It is my art and it is my expression, and what better way to express yourself than to use your own flesh? My entire work the past year of my degree has been about breaking personal boundaries and so this is one I’m always trying to further myself with, so I don’t cringe everytime I upload a photograph!
Animal Instinct.I’ve always had an interest in the animal world but when it comes to ideas within psychology, I’ve always favoured the idea of nurture over nature... but when I read something that sparks my interest about how much biology still effects us (fight or flight being a prime example) I find myself completely intrigued. I’ve been reading too much Desmond Morris (He’s a zoologist, see ‘The Naked Woman’) lately.
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